Friday, January 22, 2010

We Got A Harley!

Our next little guy to foster was Mr. Harley. We only had him for about two days because he was just so irresistable that he got adopted quickly. We did enjoy our weekend with him though, and Carsyn loved having someone her size to play with!

Harley was abandoned at a pound with a note tied to him that said he was not potty trained. He was five months old. I just don't know why people think that animals know how to behave unless they are taught. This broke my heart and I was so happy to love on him and show him some attention. He got a good bath and toys and bones to play with while he was with us, and I hear the spoiled hasn't stopped since. Harley is now named Sonny and lives with a couple in Gadsden. Glad to find him a great family!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hub's New Paradise

So, Evan and I have been given a camphouse that belonged to his late grandfather that is in Belmont. (About a two hour drive from Hueytown for those of you who have never heard of it) This weekend was my third time to go. We are going down and taking furniture and doing a lot of cleaning and redecorating so that next hunting season Evan will hopefully be able to find some land near by and we can have some fun hunting weekend trips together. The camphouse is a two bedroom trailor and has everything we need: including a very good heating system! I will have photos once we have made some progress.... for now, here's a photo I snapped on the way home... I loved it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here's a chance to see how well you really know your spouse/significant other. Cut, paste, and fill in the answers, then forward. The real challenge is to send it to your spouse/significant to see if you are right!

1. He's sitting in front of the TV. What is on the screen?
How It's Made, Rescue Me, or Keeping Up With The Kardashians (Really)

2. You're out to eat. What kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Ranch.. but he only will eat a salad if the lettuce is completely green.

3. What's one food he does not like?
There are tons, but he definitely doesn't like onions, pickles, or tomatoes.

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What drink does he order?
Sweet tea or Coke. Always.

5. Where did he go to high school?
Hueytown High School

6. What size shoe does he wear?
Size 11.

7. If he were to collect anything, what would it be?
Definitely Civil War artifacts... he's obsessed with the Civil War... and we also have started an Alabama Football collection and Firefighter item collection... we have nozzles, and ladder covers and old helmets... it's getting out of hand!

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Turkey and cheese with mayo and mustard.

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Pizza, Cheeseburgers with ketchup and mustard only, and milkshakes. Oh, and pancakes.

10. What is his favorite cereal?
Frosted Flakes is about it.

11. What would he never wear?
Tight fitting straight leg pants. He despises them, but don't we all?

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Alabama Football

13. Who did he vote for?
We are an elephant supporting household.. all the way around!

14. Who is his best friend?
Me and his brother Kyle.

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Wad up straw paper or leave wrappers where he can see them. He HATES small fragments of paper... Weirdo!

16. What's his dream job?
He actually loves his job and I'm proud of what he does for a living. But if he had the choice, he would probably drive his tractor or hunt for a living!

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday. What kind of cake do you make?
Yellow cake with Chocolate icing.

18. Did he or she play sports in high school?
Nope! That was all me!

19. What could he do for hours?
Hunt, or just be outside doing some sort of activity. He hates to be inside.

20. What is one unique talent he/she has?
He can fix anything. He takes apart our house, cars, four wheeler, you name it, finds the problem and fixes it without any help. He had never laid tile ever and laid our media room floor perfect. I wish I could learn from him! My little boy scout!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Mancave is complete. Well, Almost...

Evan's pride and joy- our media room. Obviously there are some frames and things that aren't finished, but you get the idea :)

Christmas Around the World in 48 Hours...

Our Christmas was a blast, though extremely busy! We began our festivities on the 23rd when our niece Kyleigh came over and helped me make homemade candy for gifts.

Evan of course was at the firestation! On Christmas Eve, our day began early with a visit to Evan's grandmother's for Christmas with the Nelson's. We opened gifts there and had some yummy lunch, including Honeybaked Turkey! Then it was on to my Pop's house for Christmas Eve night. We had some pizza and opened our gift (money) from my Pop. Then we headed to my Mom's church for an 11pm Christmas Eve service. Needless to say, we had a very busy day and we very ready for bed.

Christmas morning, Evan covered at work from 7-9 so that a coworker could watch his little boy open his gifts from Santa. When he came home, we opened our gifts from one another! I got: a right hand ring, Brighton necklace and bracelet, a houndstooth coat, wine glasses, my favorite perfume Falling In Love, a Snuggie, some Pink sweatpants, and my favorite gift: my new Macbook! Yay! I also got a card from our puppies to their Mom. Evan did VERY well for Christmas. He even had my stocking packed full with all of my favorites! Evan got: 2 Xbox games and another controller, a hat, a hunting handwarmer, a hunting photo album, two shirts, some dress pants, a firepit, a shopvac, and lots of other things! Carsyn and Brenton both got stockings and a christmas steak while Evan and I enjoyed waffles! We then had to clean up and go to Evan's grandfather's for Christmas lunch. We had a great time seeing everyone. That evening we headed to my parents house to see what Santa got us... more great gifts! One of my favorites was our new mailbox. It's handpainted and has a firestation on it! Hope everyone's Christmas was just as great!